
We specialize in providing healthcare to campers while they are away from home, attending camp.  We offer camps 24/7 access to our medical team of Board Certified Pediatricians, Certified Physician Assistants and Certified Nurse Practitioners.  Through a combination of standing order protocols and establishing close working relationships with camp on-site health care staff, we are uniquely positioned to ensure that campers get the best possible care in a timely manner in the most appropriate setting.   Additionally, by connecting with your team via our HIPAA compliant telemedicine technology, camps can minimize staff time required for visits to urgent care or off-site physician office visits for campers.

How Does It Work?

When a camper requires medical attention, the on-site health care team performs an assessment. If it is determined that a provider should be consulted, they are able to initiate a video visit with The Camp Doctors’ provider. If medications are required, a prescription will be sent to the local pharmacy and billed through the camper’s insurance. A record of each visit is created and available for the camp to download to the camper’s record. 

While the majority of medical problems can be diagnosed and treated through a virtual visit (especially with staff present to assist in the evaluation of the camper) occasionally the provider will recommend evaluation at urgent care or emergency room.

Visits are typically scheduled during “clinic hours”. Our providers are on call 24/7 to answer health care staff questions and respond to after hours emergencies.  We do not accept insurance due to the complexity of billing multiple out of state payers.  Our services are covered by a small per camper medical access fee that covers unlimited access for the entire time they are at camp. Typically this fee is less than an urgent care co-pay.

In addition to visits for campers, fee for service telemedicine visits are also available for your camp staff with acute medical issues.

Common Camper Conditions that can be Treated by Telemedicine:

Earaches, strep throat, rashes, bites and stings, allergies, infections, impetigo, sinus infections, asthma, croup, minor injuries, concussions